Sign-up for “Lead by Essentials®“, a training course in 6 steps, designed and hosted by Michel Vaissaire, founder and chief executive of MVCMI and Fleurke Combier, founder and chief executive of Le CRI – Créer Réléver Inspirer with the input of high-level personalities.
Faced with the necessary transformation of your company, in a complex and uncertain world that is changing rapidly, are you confronted with the following questions?
- Why and how do I plan? Where to start?
- How can we move forward pragmatically? Where can we find the resources?
Our goal in this training course is to ask you about the 6 dimensions of our “Lead by Essentials®” approach:
- Do I clearly have my Essentials in mind?
- How do I make myself available for my Essentials to amplify my energy, and that of my team members?
- What for? How to create victories? Be clear about the balance of actions/benefits.
- And the customer? How do I make myself unique in his eyes by really working my competitive advantages?
- Do I set up “Organization for Reinvention” to motivate my teams?
- Do I take care of myself, my teams, the values of my company to accelerate its transformation?
Next Sessions :
- Between septembre 2021 and march 2022 : download a description of the training course (in French) – Register form
- Between january and july 2022 : download a description of the training course (in French) – Register form
Watch the web conference held on November 4, 2020 presenting the training course (in French).
Lead by Essentials®: A training course in 6 steps